I could live a thousand lives in a thousand places just by picking up a book and turning its pages. I could be carried into the pages like Dorothy was in a tornado to Oz. Or perhaps simply slip into the book as Alice did down her Rabbit Hole. One day I could be sailing the 7 Seven Seas with Sinbad or perhaps living 20 Leagues Under the Sea. Maybe in a flash I could be face to face with Dracula or running from a Werewolf. Could I be as mad as the Mad Hatter or as crazy as the Red Queen. What if I caught the Golden Snitch and won the game or tamed magical creatures of the Wizarding world. Would I become bored with my life or live the most exciting life. One may think Frodo had the hardest job of bearing that cursed ring but he did it. Or Biblo actually taking an Adventure with Gandalf. Many say that would become boring and you would tire of it. But would I? Could i get tired of dragons and mermaids and wizards and backwards worlds. No that’s the thing I know 100% for sure is. I could live a thousand lives in a thousand places….
