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The Writer With In

Writer: luv2writesdluv2writesd

Updated: May 7, 2019

The Writer Within lives within us all. Deep within our hearts, deep within our souls.

The Writer Within holds the world of creation within its words.

The Writer Within is not just someone who puts words on paper. They are so much more. They are creators of worlds unknown and creatures you’ve never seen before.

Soaring into deep space to planets unknown, meeting strange alien creatures, and discovering new galaxies

Taking you on journey’s of daring feats and quests that only Knight’s of the Round table ever got to do, or flying with faeries in enchanted forests.

The Writer Within knows no boundaries of the written word and can take you to the Heavens above.

The Writer Within can use their words to tear something down or build someone up to their full potential. Planting ideas and helping them to grow.

The Writer Within is capable of such beauty that they are rare to see. Most are afraid of showing what they can do and hide it deep down. Never allowing their words to touch the world around them. Never nourishing and growing into the form of a story.

The Writer Within is in all of us, we just need to open the book and write on the pages. Let your story unfold.


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