My buisness associate and I went to a local Bookstore to talk with the owner about a possible future book signing of Little Puddles and selling Little Puddles in store. The owner wasn't in but I'll be back to talk with them. 😊😊But since they weren't in we decided to play tourist in Old Town Fairhope and walked the Square. Enjoyed some art and a second hand bookstore. Love old and used books.. My secondhand finds for the day. Love these finds. I loved and still do love Christopher Pike and R.L. Stine Fear Street Saga. I use to own both Authors whole sets. Every book they wrote. I wish I still had them all because I can share them with my daughters. They are hard to find but so worth it.. Here's to memories from my childhood reading and to theirs... 😍😍😍😍😍❤❤❤❤ #littlepuddles #pjfunness #localbookstore #pjsgoingtobeawesome
